Together with The Hives they are regarded as one of the most influential garage bock bands ever. The Hellacopters were formed in 1994 by singer/guitarist Nicke Anderson (also the drummer for Entombed), guitarist Andreas Tyrone Svensson (aka ‘Dregen’ and also guitarist for Backyard Babies), bassist Kenny Håkansson and drummer Robert Eriksson.
What started out as a side project quickly developed into a force to be reckoned with. In Europe the band enjoyed a near god-like cult status among garage rock and glam punk enthusiasts. They folded in 2008 but eight years later they reconvened for an exclusive show at Sweden Rock. This once-off performance fanned the embers into life again: in 2022 they dropped ‘Eyes of Oblivion’, followed by ‘Overdrive’ in January of this year. It gives us great pleasure to welcome these cult rockers to the Alcatraz stage!